Friday, January 11, 2013

Isabelle's 2nd Birthday Party

This year we decided to (once again) have a beach-themed birthday party since (a) there isn't room in our house for more than 2 families, (b) you gotta have water if you're going to be outside in July, and (c) there's nothing more fun than the beach for 2 year olds!  But we added a little flair to the theme with Curious George, who is Isabelle's absolute obsession these days.  She requests that we watch the TV show or read the books at least 3 times a day. 

When she awoke from her nap to see the backyard transformed into a beach, she was both bewildered and delighted....

Back at the beach??!
Isabelle got eaten by the shark. Sadly the homemade shark "tunnel" made his last appearance this year (making room for other stuff in the attic). 
Splash pool! 
"Jungle Juice" smoothies - Izzy's favorite homemade smoothies were served (yogurt, ice, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, mangos, orange juice...yum).  Check out the sweet t-shirt I got at Old Navy for the occasion.  Isabelle now requests that I wear it daily.
Girls in the yellow hat.  We bought the one for Izzy and my crafty assistant made a big one for me!
 The set up.  We used our coffee table (turned train table) plus a masonite board to make a nice big rectangular table for the kids.  My clever father-in-law constructed kiddie benches to fit perfectly. The 2 little vintage Curious Georges on the table were Brian's when he was a kid!
Favors: Izzy's favorite Curious George books!
 "The Cake in the Yellow Hat" was banana cake with chocolate ganache filling.  Notice another vintage Curious George (saved by my parents from when we were little!).  This obsession clearly runs in the family!
 Food table with Isabelle's Curious George above hanging from the streamers.  That silly monkey.
 The menu: "George's Wedges" (watermelon and canteloupe wedges), "Ooh-ooh-ah-ah nuggets" (Chick-Fil-A), "Curious cheesesticks", "Monkey Tails (homemade soft pretzels with an assortment of dips).  I know, I know.  I'm just a little into details.  Not to mention a huge dork.

 We caught a Romeo and Juliet re-enactment by Macon and Joe.
 Betsy Grace and Loulie playing at the water table.
 Brun and his little look-alike, Sutton.
 Carolina girl with her daddy.
 Izzy and Laine making castles.
 Dinner time!

 And the very best part of all...CUPCAKES!  Little yellow hat cupcakes.  Of course now Isabelle says "George and yellow hat" whenever she requests a book or TV, rather than "kee George" the way she used to say "curious george).  I might have overdone the yellow hat just a bit!
 Isabelle had a special cupcake with a little George on top.  She is even more obsessed with cupcakes than with George. 
 This child is a professional cupcake eater.

 She savors every bite.  The sugar buzz is starting!
 Now here is the highlight of the party.  Izzy got some special attention from her adorable boyfriends.  John Daniel is her "b-day buddy" since they were born 2 days apart...just a few hours after we left the hospital with Isabelle, little JD popped out just down the hall from where we were at CMC.  They have a very special bond!  And they LOVE to flirt!!! 
The cutest part of this was when John Daniel came over to Izzy to give her kiss and decided he needed to take his hat off to get close enough.
 Isabelle was eating it up!
 He decided to play it safe and give her a cheek rub.  SO sweet!
 Since Isabelle was obviously waiting for a kiss, little William, her other handsome boyfriend came in for the real thing.  They locked lips TWICE.  And she loved every minute of it!  Oh boy, we're gonna have our hands full! 
John Daniel waiting for another chance.  Is it just me, or are the boys lining up for my cutie-patootie?  12 years from now her Daddy is going to be in for it.
Back for more!
 2 genetic sources of Isabelle's charm and good looks:
 A very happy birthday girl!
We couldn't have asked for more perfect day.  My crazy over-attention to detail, food, and decor might have led to the after-party-hangover the next day, but it was all well worth it!

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