Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pickles and Ice Cream

And chips and french fries and bacon and burgers and everything bad I can think of to consume...that's what I'm craving these days. 

You guessed it!  I'm preggers!!!

I still can't quite believe it's true even after 8 weeks of knowing, but then kicks in the urge to drive to Chick-Fil-A at 4 pm to wait in line for 15 minutes to get a kiddie meal (that's for me, not Izzy), or the rush to consume saltines in order to hopefully avoid a toilet hugging session, or the very strong desire to curl up in bed and take a 3 hour nap, or the tears that well up after the pampers commercial...and then I realize that there is indeed another life inside of me.  A little life slowly taking over my body and making me feel things I don't normally feel!

Nothing makes you realize it's really happening more than seeing a picture of the human inside you, or hearing the sweet sound of it's heartbeat.  It seemed like an eternity waiting to experience this, over 7 weeks after that April Fool's Day when we saw a barely there pink line on the home pregnancy test. 

When the news was first confirmed by the doctor it started to settle in, and telling our families made it feel more real.  This time it wasn't a painstaking process, and although it wasn't a surprise, it was surprising, which was quite a treat.  We just didn't think it could be the result of pure relaxation and lots of wine!  So, yes...there was most likely a little bean starting to grow while I was happily frolicking through a Sonoma winery, seen here.
 Of course I am a "rule follower" and the thought that I was consuming alcohol and high mercury fish and taking ibuprofen during a bad cold during the first days of gestation left me sleepless the first few nights after getting the news.  And thinking about where we'd find room for the junk and all the clothes stored in the extra room, or how in the world I would run a business with 2 kids, and wait--this is all happening in 2012!?! gave me great anxiety in the first weeks.

But now we are nothing but excited and grateful (and a bit nervous, of course) for this new life in creation.  Christmas will be very special this year and we cannot wait to welcome a little one (boy or girl...we are not finding out) into our lives in early December!

The big question is, will Isabelle be ready to be a big sister?  Not so sure about that yet, but she sure is showing us signs that she is growing up fast.
Last week was her last day of school and I can't believe how much she has changed since that first day I dropped her off.  She went from crawling to running, "ehhh"ing to talking, and she has changed from a baby to a little girl. 

Here is the precious class picture with her teachers Miss Derann and Miss Anna:
 The paci is still sacred (restricted to the crib only) and I don't see signs of that going away anytime soon, which is fine by me.  It's the one thing that is always predictable in this little girl's life...the paci can do wonders. 
Oh and there's not just one paci.  She prefers 2 or 3 nearby in the crib...good for clicking and for sticking in her eye (some sort of soothing ritual I guess!).
 I had to catch this on camera one morning - all things she could clutch in her crib, including sippy cup and yellow dog from the crane game at Pizza Peel.
Isabelle loves to wear a hat.  She sported it all weekend since we were outdoors most of the time playing in the baby pool.  In fact, she loves to wear anything on her head or face, sunglasses especially.  Can't wait for bows to actually stay put in her hair!
 Big girl wedgie.  I couldn't resist capturing what might have been her first wedgie experience.  She went diaperless in the baby pool, which allowed for this adorable view. 
 Big girl pigtails!!!  After seeing her cousin Betsy Grace sport some pigtails, Isabelle thought that would be cool to try.  Those locks barely fit into 2 little rubberbands, but she LOVED them.  Almost 2 is starting to look like almost 12!
 A happy Memorial Day!  We explored the White Water Center which was a huge highlight for Isabelle.  Lots of boats, rapids and people zipping through the air = great entertainment.

Favorite part was dinner with the parents.  This kid loves to eat out.  I swear she might eat spinach and caviar if she's in a restaurant with her loved ones. 

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