Thursday, May 23, 2013

Birthday Boy

A few weeks ago we celebrated Brian's birthday. Izzie and I got out the finger paint to make him a nice homemade card.

She thought it would be fun to get the paint on everything (and everyone) but the paper.Isabelle has a striking resemblance to her granddaddy. And to her mom...when I was 8 months pregnant. When Isabelle decided to taste the fingerpaint, it all went downhill. Bathtime was not as fun as painting.Isabelle loves birthdays, cause birthdays = cake!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Dear Brian, your girls love you so! Every year you grow older I grow more in love with you! This time of year I depend on you more than ever, and you never let me down! You are my rock when I am a basket case in the bakement (or on the side of the road fixing a wedding cake topper). You make me laugh when I want to cry from exhaustion. You devote your Saturdays to work with me and you never complain. Most importantly, if I could hand-pick the perfect father for my children, it would be YOU. I can't wait to celebrate lots more birthdays together!

We celebrated with the whole Barksdale crew....Isabelle is fascinated by Baby Sutton. So weird to think that it was opposite just 1 year ago...that was BG looking down at Isabelle (Izzie is almost exactly 1 year in between both girls!)Betsy Grace and Isabelle loving the piano. Two peas in a pod.Does it get more fun than this? I know it doesn't get much cuter!

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