Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hurray for Family!

I was SO excited when Brian joined us for the weekend.  Boy, was he was a sight for sore eyes!  Not sure if it was his absence making my heart grow fonder, or if I just missed having him around to entertain Isabelle, or if my back needed a break from carrying her up the (very steep) hill every day after swimming, or if I needed someone to help tame Crockett down at the dock (she lives up to her name Barksdale). Mostly I think it was that I missed having my buddy, my partner, my sidekick.  Having him around is always more fun, especially in Glenora, because he truly loves this place as much as I do and I am happier being here with him.   

Pretty nice looking family if I do say so myself!

As soon as he arrived (having driven my car up the whole way by himself) the youngsters decided to make our annual trip to Two Goats Brewing, the best spot on the lake for some tasty beers at sunset.  I decided it was a perfect time in my life to do a beer tasting...hahaha, just kidding, those beers in front of me were not mine.  {But I did have half a beer and it was mighty tasty!}

This was the gang last year at Two was Laurie's first time up here and I'm happy to say it didn't scare her off.  She will officially be part of the family in April so we look forward to many summer vacations with her here!
This year we were joined by our cousin Hilary (and my growing belly)...the more the merrier!
We got one awesome lake day while Brian was here.  And it was music to my ears hearing Isabelle say "mommy-daddy" like a joint name rather than "mommy! mommy!" over and over.  She was so happy to have Daddy around!

Luckily Brian was able to come on a weekend when more family was here (the Gridley clan - my mother's brother's family) as well as some extended Gridley family members.  The boys are all grown up and now men, but they still act like kids at the dock, playing "king of the float".
Will jumping off the "tower of terror"
There's always room on the float for one more...
My family on the float...Crockett didn't want to be left out.
The Barksdales
The community dock is the place where Glenora family and friends come together every summer.
Cousin Will showed her how to make rock paint.  Very cool.  I remember loving playing with Will when he was Izzy's age...hard to believe he was once her size!
Then she taught Daddy her new tricks.

LOTS of laughter down at the dock.  Lately she's been a tongue sticker outer laugher.  Our little ham.
Which reminded me of her funny faces from last year...
We had an awesome family gathering one night and enjoyed Lexington barbecue among other tasty dishes with the extended Gridley side (and some "practically family" friends).
  Delicious gourmet dinners at our outdoor dining room are a nightly ritual.
And smores at the new firepit are the perfect way to end a perfect day with family!

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