Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Moving On

We had our time together. 5 or 6 years maybe? It was good. You kept me connected...for the most part. You were my convenient excuse for not texting. You didn't take pictures. You didn't even get pictures.

When I got lost I had to pull out a map...you know, the kind made out of paper. And I had to check my emails on a computer, sitting at a my desk. In a waiting room I had to look at a magazine.

You were great for a good old-fashioned phone call. Sometimes I wished you had more to offer, but you worked for my "simple" life.

Then 2 weeks ago you started messing with me. You went in and out. You were unreliable. I decided it was time for bigger and better things.

Yep, I finally moved on.

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