Friday, March 15, 2013

Charleston Visit

A few weeks ago Brian and I went to visit our friends, The Coulters, in Charleston, and most importantly, to meet their precious twin babies. We were so anxious to give them hugs, bring them meals, anything we possibly could to lighten their load, and maybe even be a distraction for a day.

Henry received a heart transplant just a few weeks ago. The crazy thing is that when we originally made plans to visit, little Henry was not even on the transplant list yet. His heart was struggling and he was very, very sick. We weren't sure what our visit would be like...or if we would even get the chance to meet him. These pictures do not even show his latest great progress since our time spent with him. He is on his road to recovery and we couldn't be happier!

It was incredible seeing this little guy hooked up to so many machines and on so much medication. He is true example of the miracle of modern medicine! Pictures of his sister, Loulie, at the end of his bed. One of his bulletin boards of artwork and pictures. We got to babysit Loulie (and the dogs) which was a treat! Banjo and Geronimo just spent the whole morning snuggling together in their crate. And Loulie was a precious angel!!! We can't wait to welcome the Coulters back home very soon!!!

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