Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Introducing Collier!

Welcome to the world, Collier Gridley Barksdale! 
Collier arrived on December 15th, 2012 at 3:21 pm.  He is absolutely beautiful and healthy, and we are so in love with this precious new addition to our family. 

Labor and delivery went as well as can be.  We went in for the induction at 7 am Saturday morning, started the pitocin, broke my water, and got the party started!  I was so grateful that my friend and doctor, Liz Moran, delivered Collier.  I couldn't have asked for a better experience. 

My mom was with us during the delivery, just as she was when Isabelle was born.  It was truly special to share one of the great miracles in life with both my beloved husband and my best friend.  Few moms get to actually witness the birth of a child that is not their own.  To be able to witness both the birth of your child and the birth of your child's child must be awesome, and I was honored to grant her that opportunity. 
Collier's first breath!  We were so happy that Liz was the first to hold him!
He didn't have quite the head of hair that we were told he might.  He was beautiful.  LOVE at first sight.
He was placed on my chest where I got to hold him for a long time before they took him away.  Amazing moments!
Weighing in at 7 lb 2 oz, 19.5 inches long
The Barksdale name will live on!  Very happy grandparents.

It all starts to hit me.  We have a healthy daughter, and now a healthy son.  We are SO BLESSED!
Grandparents and parents are over the moon.
That evening, my brother and his fiance, Laurie, came to meet Collier.
I was eagerly waiting to introduce Isabelle to Collier.  It is amazing how the minute you meet your second-born your mind is immediately on both children.  Somehow my heart found room for more love and my brain found space to think about each of them 24/7!  Isabelle had a bad cold all week (which of course I got while in the hospital), and I was a little concerned about her health, but SO ready to see her.  Since she seemed to be on the mend, we brought her in for the much anticipated "birthday party" for her new baby brother.  It was the most precious sight to see how much she adored Collier. 

"Look!  He has eyes!  Look!  His ears!  Look!  He has cheeks.  And a mouth!"  Even to this day she is endlessly fascinated by his tiny body parts. 
Our happy family of four.  
Brian's sister came in town with her 3 children and we had a great visit with them.
"Mother Hen" Lauren is the best cousin to all of her little cousins. 
Collier's last day at the hospital.  We were so excited to bring him home!

Merry, merry Christmas!

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