Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bah! Humbug

Please forgive me God...Jesus....Santa..........Tiny Tim, whoever, but I just haven't gotten into the Christmas spirit as I should have by now, and here we are just a few days away from my favorite holiday. You might think that's impossible, considering I live with this adorable little elf.But things have been a little off in the Barksdale house and sometimes poor Brian probably feels like he lives with a couple of Scrooges. I pretty much lost a whole week to a stomach bug...I was the sickest that I remember ever being (luckily I have had a pretty healthy life!) last week and I think I might have lost half my brain along with all of my insides because it took me several days to get back to my old self, both physically and mentally. It was a reminder of just how important the role of mom (and grandmom!) can be. All I wanted was my mom, and thank goodness she was there for both me and Isabelle because I certainly wasn't doing a good job of being a mom last week!
Even though being sick was the pits, it was almost worth it to see the way Isabelle reacted to my pitiful behavior...she just wanted to snuggle and cuddle up to me. She definitely knew I wasn't well and having her around me (even though she probably shouldn't have been) was the best medicine I could have asked for. I was so afraid that she'd get sick too, but lucky for all of us she was spared.
At our Christmas photo shoot, several weeks ago, Isabelle showed us her cuddling ways with Crockett. She can be such a sweet snuggle bug.
Loving on her pup.Now that's a happy little girl...or so you would think.Isabelle has been the other little Scrooge in our house lately. After 2 unnecessary trips to the doctor within a couple weeks and a few chats with a nurse over the phone, I am left scratching my head with confusion. No Ear infection? Could it be teething? Tummy ache? Or is this just what toddlerhood is going to be like? Isabelle has been having temper tantrums minute I want to soothe her and make her happy (she's just a baby, right?) and the next I want to put tape over her mouth and cotton balls in my ears (wait, she knows exactly what she's doing!). It's a hectic time of year, so my fuse is a bit shorter than usual and I've been increasingly frustrated by this new display of behavior. I guess, as parents, we want a reason (or maybe a scapegoat) for everything. Otherwise it would be our own parenting to blame...or even worse - our child's innate personality!? My angel? For now I'm going to blame it on that final fang breaking through.

I know my mom is probably snickering to herself as I complain to her over the phone...afterall, I was guilty of having a temper tantrum or 2 (or 100!) well into an age that I remember. That's right -- sweet, quiet little Haines was sometimes a terror behind closed doors. Has payback already begun? Please say this means she'll be an easy teen!
Last week my sweet mom took my place and went to Isabelle's school Christmas party. Here she is with her teacher, Miss Anna, doing her favorite activity - stickers!
Isabelle LOVES to sneek a peak in the sugar bin. It's almost like she gets a high from taking a quick sniff! Access to 100 lb of sugar = every kid's dream! A few weeks ago Isabelle and I took a short trip to Greensboro to meet my new God child, Frances Richardson. She is an angel and Brian and I are so honored to be her Godparents!!

Izzie hasn't taken a liking to baby dolls, but she is totally fascinated by real babies.

Izzie and Brant had a fun day of playing!

Me and my girls. Isabelle wasn't too happy to share my lap...guess she's not quite ready to be a big sis yet!The Tuckers were in town for Sutton's baptism a few weeks ago so the cousins had a great time playing together. Isabelle sliding with Caden:

Sweet Brooks.

The best part about Brun and Ellie's house at Christmas time is the singing toys! Hard to tell here, but Izzie is dancing to the beat. She's got some serious rhythm.Crockett had her annual playdate with her sister, Selwyn (Meg's baby). You'd think they are twins!Brian was so excited to introduce Isabelle to some of the Christmas classics. Seen here watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Notice the crossed legs. Like Father like Daughter! This was after one of Isabelle's little tantrums. She knows what she wants and this time she wanted to wear her hat. To bed. Whatever works!Our favorite Christmas activity is opening the mail many beautiful cards! We've been to a few Christmas playdates where pictures, as hard as they are to take these days, are always necessary! Isabelle, William and Ann Carter played together and actually sat for a few mintues (iphone as bribery). That was not the case for Isabelle at our playgroup gathering last week. I wasn't able to get a picture of the 8 or so patient, well behaved kids who sat together for the annual holiday photo because my little one couldn't bear to be apart from her momma. There are certain things you just can't make a toddler do!

Hmmm...I guess some things don't change. This is our playgroup holiday photo from last year. Guess who's the crybaby! Yup, that's my baby. Oh well. She's not laid back. She has her tantrums. High maintenance or not, she's still the sweetest thing in my life and I love my little monster!

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