Friday, February 22, 2013

Ravioli Night

A few weeks ago we invited my brother and future sis-in-law over to make homemade ravioli for dinner.  I use a pasta machine almost daily to roll out fondant and gumpaste, so I'd like to think I could use it for what it's made for too!  I've actually attempted to make ravioli twice before, with little luck (they burst during the cooking process).  I was determined to get a great final product this time.

 Halfway into the process I realize that my problem in the past was that I never finished reading the directions...which was to leave the ravioli out for almost an hour before boiling.  3rd time worked like a charm!
 Homemade tomato sauce and ricotta filled ravioli was successful and absolutely delicious.

 Cooking with the ones you love is always a success!

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