Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Collier's First Week

The week before Christmas was Collier's first week at home.  It was so nice to get settled in together as a family of four (wait, five...Crockett mustn't be left out!).   He was such an angel all week.  As I remembered with Isabelle, the first week is often the "honeymoon," so I knew the good sleeping, easy feedings and quiet moments might not last long.  I was excited and a bit nervous to start life as a mommy of two. 
Isabelle displayed some major mood swings and meltdowns during her first few days as a big sister.  But we soon learned the poor girl was coping with an ear infection.  Looking back on it, I realize that not only did we rock her world with a new family member, but she was also feeling rotten.  I know how rotten because the lovely cold that I had while in the hospital (I don't recommend having a cough while recovering from childbirth) turned into my first (memorable) ear infection!  Since when do adults get ear infections?  I spent a whole night wide awake with what I thought was just a "popped" ear (that was also pretty painful)...I remember watching Collier sleep between feedings, thinking please get up and keep me company...it is so wrong that I am awake while you sleep!  The next morning I spent almost 2 hours waiting in urgent care before rushing home to feed a very hungry 5 day old baby! 
Unfortunately it wasn't over yet.  That nasty cold didn't spare Brian, and we all know when Daddy ain't happy ain't nobody happy.  Well, I don't think the saying goes quite like that, but it should.  I felt like I had 3 babies to take care of!  Then just as Christmas was approaching, I thought we were in the clear.  Isabelle was getting back to her old self, I was able to start walking like a normal person, and Daddy....oh, poor Daddy woke up on Christmas Eve with a miserable sinus infection!  All three of us (well, four if you count the one sucking the life out of me) on antibiotics, right before Christmas.  (insert sad trombone sound)
But really it wasn't all bad.  Collier's first week was full of so many magical moments.  It was so much fun introducing him to family members and watching Isabelle be such a sweet big sister and mommy's helper.  Amazingly she has shown no jealousy, just pure love for her baby brother.  The excitement of Christmas was in the air and despite our growing collection of prescription meds and the pile of empty Kleenex boxes stacking up, it was a special time indeed.
Uncle Mac was anxious to meet his new nephew.

The Barksdale boys
Aunt Libby and Betsy Grace
Cici with her first grandson
 Fairy Godmother, "Glori" came in town for a surprise visit.
 Isabelle's school Christmas party was the day after we got home, but I was determined to get out and spend some quality moments with the new big sis.  It is always a treat to see her in the classroom with her school friends (seen here with best buddy, William).
"jingle bells, jingle bells"
 I've had fun taking pictures of my newest subject. 
All the kids.
Yes, Collier is tiny.  But that stocking is also enormous.
Sibling snuggle time

Look!  His eyes!  Still amazed by his precious tiny features.

Here are my children.  My son and my daughter.  Those are words I have always hoped I could say.  My lifelong dream has come true.  I could just pinch myself.

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