Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Snow Day

Finally!  My little girl got to have her first real snow experience.  Isabelle was just 6 months old when it last snowed, so up until now, through her eyes, snowflakes and snowmen with carrot noses were only in Christmas movies or school art projects.

That Friday evening Isabelle came down with a fever, so that next day was anything-to-make-my-girl-happy day.  That morning I told her she didn't have to get dressed and could stay in her PJs all day.  I actually saw a glimmer of happiness when I said that, even through her sad eyes and fever chills.  She got waffles for breakfast on the couch while watching Curious George.  It doesn't get much better than that.  There were lots of stories read, shows watched, pajama wardrobe changes (no real clothes), hugs and snuggles.  To be honest, having an excuse to spoil your baby rotten is kinda nice every now and then.  She could do no wrong, and it's been a while since I could say that!
After a long nap, Isabelle woke up to see the snow pouring down outside.  She immediately got up to put her shoes on and when I told her she couldn't go out yet, but that tomorrow we could play in the snow, she had the saddest, most pitiful reaction. 
Mom dilemma: do I send a sick child out in the cold, wet snow?  Final answer: Absolutely.  You never know when we'll get to see the white stuff again, so we are going to live in the moment!
Blowing bubbles made her happy for a little while...

Sick or not, Isabelle needed to have this first snow experience.
We got all bundled up and walked out to feel the yummy crunch of snow underneath our feet.
 It was cool.  For a minute.  After remarking that we now have Christmas trees in our yard, Isabelle said, "I wanna go inside." The verdict?  Snow is fun to look at, ok to stand in, but hot cocoa inside is the best of all.
The next morning, we were so happy to see the sun out, the air cold enough to keep the snow in our yard for the day, and Isabelle fever free!  Our neighbors came over to help Isabelle create her very first snowman. 
I think we used all of the snow in our yard for this guy.
First snowman hug.
And a miniature snowman...
....that didn't last long, thanks to Crockett. 

 Collier stayed inside on the snowy day which he seemed to be fine with.
 Love hat crazy hair.
My sweet boys in their stripes.


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