Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Count Down is ON!

Just 4 days away from our Barksdale family beach vacation and I have never been more ready!  The word that best describes me as of late is TIRED.  I hate to be a weakling...I always pride myself in my energy and my ability to stay busy, busy, doing 3 things at once, barely sitting still, always "productive."  But the combination of pregnancy, being a mom to a toddler and running a wedding cake business during the height of the season has about done me in. 

I am so looking forward to sitting on the beach watching my child run around with her cousins, then possibly (probably not likely, knowing me) taking an afternoon nap along with Isabelle.  I might even manage to go to bed by 10, which is a rare occurrence!  The only downer is that I won't be able to enjoy the delicious fresh peach daquiries that my father-in-law always makes after a long hot day on the beach (I kinda wanna cry that I can't have one, but I guess a virgin daquiri will just have to do!). 

Father's Day came and went and I didn't give the special dads in my life a shout out on the blog, so here it is. I'm not sure I can top last year's post about my dad, but I do have to say that watching the way he is with my daughter and knowing how much he absolutely adores her just makes me even more proud to have him as my father.  He promises that I am still his little girl, and that Isabelle will never take my place as his most loved baby girl, but sometimes it's hard to believe when I see the way his heart melts in Isabelle's presence. 

The real hero I celebrated this Father's Day is the father of my child, my sweet husband.  He has been so amazing these last few months, putting up with my whining, moaning, groaning and complaining, devoting all Saturday afternoons to cake deliveries, getting up early with Isabelle when I need another 30 minutes of sleep in the morning, fixing dinners and just plain being sweet.  Seeing how excited he is to have a new son or daughter in the making, and his amazement over my growing body makes me so happy to have him as my life partner! Most of all I just love the way he is with Isabelle and I can't wait to see a newborn in his arms again. 

Playing with Daddy is always a highlight for Izzy.  And so is the slide.  A 2 feet trip down a vertical piece of plastic never gets old!

 "Thank you, Lord, for slides!"
 She also loves to be like her mommy. Sometimes I catch her standing in a weird stance, legs and arms both crossed.  Then I look down and realize I am standing in the exact same, distorted position  (I tend to twist my limbs together in strange ways - I was born with a peculiar flexibility).  So, when I put a gardenia flower in my hair, Isabelle needed one too!
 When we say "smile" this is what she does.  Not much of a smile:)
 Izzy hugs are the best, even if a boo-boo is what brings it on.
 Can't kiss this face enough!
 Recently Isabelle had a pool playdate with her "bestie", Emmie Rayburn.  They are just a week apart (almost 2!!) and Izzy just loves playing with her little buddy.  They definitely have a connection, apparent even at this early age!

 Last weekend I had two huge 5 tiered cakes which filled up the tiny space in my bakement. 
 I added gumpaste magnolias to this large wave-like textured cake, and delivered it to Gastonia with the help of my hubbie and his dad.  Couln't have done it without them!

 More gumpaste peonies are quite "in" this summer!

 And some more of what's been keeping me so busy, and so ready for the BEACH!!!.....

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