Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Big Girl

One of the first thoughts that crossed my mind when I found out I was pregnant was, how in the world will we fit another person in this house?  We have a small house as it is, and although it's just a small business that I run out of the our home, there is a whole lot of stuff that I need for the cake business.  Our entire basement (aka bakement) is filled with cake supplies, and what doesn't fit down there is stored in the tiny attic.  Our "extra room" (once called the guest room, office, and more recently hoarding room) also serves as the gumpaste-flower-drying-room since I use a dehumidifier in there to counteract our lovely North Carolina climate.  Even the dining room is devoted to my business, set up for my cake tastings with piles of books and a faux wedding cake on display. 
We are simple people and don't have too much stuff, but we have filled pretty much every nook and cranny in this house with things.  And when you don't have a garage or a mudroom, all the little things, the pieces of furniture you might use one day, the coats, sweaters and clothes that don't fit in your bedroom storage, and the everyday stuff you don't want out in the open end up in the "extra room."
The plan was for Isabelle to move into this room and to keep her neutral nursery the same for baby #2.  Six months ago, the extra room looked like this.
I am an organizer, and even when spaces appear cluttered, I have a place for everything.  But this room was my worst nightmare and with exhaustion and nausea slowing me down, I was worried Isabelle was going to be crawling over junk to climb into her new big girl bed when the baby arrived.

After several months of cleverly finding new storage space, throwing away and donating, we finally completed Isabelle's big girl room and we are all very happy!  We had been talking about the big girl bed and the new room for many weeks, so once the furniture was in place and pictures were hung I decided it was time for Izzy to make the transition. 
Here's the name art I made for the new room...soon to be selling these on Etsy.
Isabelle's first night in her big girl bed was a great success.  It took about an hour and a half of soothing, back scratches and convincing that she was ready to stay in the bed (not without some tears), but she slept through the night!  The next morning we woke up to hear a little voice and to see an empty bed on the video monitor.  As badly as we wanted to wait and see how long it would take for her to call on us, we couldn't stand it and were dying to know what she was doing in her new room. 
This is how we found her!  She was definitely enjoying her new-found freedom (and of course the sacred paci always keeps her happy).
We promised her a treat in the morning if she did well, so off we were to Krispy Kreme!
First donut experience.  She was a little frustrated by the messy glaze that got all over her fingers (my  prissy girl), but once she tasted the goodness, it was true love.
First nap in the big bed was not so successful.  She played in her room for close to 2 hours and this is how I found her.  It took about a week for her to understand that naptimes are essential(!) and now we are smooth sailing.  So proud of my BIG GIRL!

Recently we had our annual Fall pumpkin patch excursion, this time to Riverbend Farm, and it was a perfect morning. 

Looking cute on a hayride.
Cool animals to ride...
Isabelle called this the "polar bear".  I guess the pink paint had faded, so I can understand her thinking!
Lots of animals to see, including ostriches that Isabelle was eager to hand-feed.  She has no fear!
My precious pilgrims!
After a fun morning at the farm, I finished cleaning the bakement and came up to find my tuckered out babes snoozing together.  Must be nice:)
Crockett and Isabelle have learned to put up with each other.  Crockett is willing to be ridden, hugged, tugged and stepped on.  Isabelle is willing to be pushed over, to have her toys taken, and to put up with the occasional face lick.  They are buds.
I live for this smile!

Big girl trying to dress herself.  That's one way of putting on her tights!
In just a few weeks, she really is going to be the big girl in this house.  Will she have a brother or sister?  Isabelle's prediction is "boy".  We have asked her many times and it's always the same response.  Can't wait to see if she's right!

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