Monday, April 8, 2013

Highest High

Today I have been on quite a high.  I guess there is no high quite like meeting your child in person for the first time, but it came pretty close today.  We had our mid-term ultrasound (18 weeks) and all of the images were "textbook" according to the technician, which was such a relief and a joy to hear!  The baby was totally cooperative (hopefully a forecast for the future) which allowed for great 3D shots....hard to believe he/she is only 8 ounces! 

I started feeling movement just a few days ago, so this pregnancy is finally starting to feel very real.  I don't want to jinx myself this go around, but I really do love being pregnant and the 2nd trimester is the best part of it all.  The belly is starting to show, so I finally look pregnant (up until last week I just looked like I had a few too many cheeseburgers for lunch).  Feeling the little flutters is a reminder that another life is growing inside of me, and now that we see how healthy the little bean is (fingers crossed, of course) I am SOOO very happy.  Discomfort is at a minimum and I am just going to enjoy this while it lasts!  There is a very good chance this will be my last pregnancy (never say never) so I am soaking up every minute of this miraculous experience.

To top it off, today I took Isabelle in for her 2 year doctor's appointment and it was another reminder of how lucky I am to have this beautiful and healthy little girl.  She has been staying on the same track in growth as far as percentiles - small in weight (35th percentile), a little tall (65th percentile), and big ole' noggin (75th percentile).  Not sure where it's coming from, but brains and beauty perhaps?  She was such a star - the only thing that upset her was the stick on her tongue...she didn't even shed a tear over the shot.  I must admit that I am a very proud mama!

Pictures from a fabulous beach vacation to come soon...I just had to take a moment to share my happy day.

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