Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Who would have thought that the drab and dreary month of February would feel like a giant hug wrapping itself around me and filling me up with happiness? It started off with a fun birthday...I think that no matter how old I get I will always love my birthday. It's a year wiser and a reason to celebrate a life full of more memories and more friends.
The valentine cupcakes went off without a hitch and I had such a fun time seeing all of the customers who came to pick up orders. It can get quiet down in the bakement, so it was a nice change of pace having a steady flow of visitors come through!

Possibly my favorite day of the month was attending the christening of our new Godchild, Frances Richardson, the daughter of my dear friend Lori (Isabelle's Godmother). It is such an honor to take on the role of Godparents and we are so excited to watch her grow and to be a special part of her life. I must admit, though, that I'm a little nervous about this new role. Lori is the ultimate Godmother (I think she could easily take the title of "fairy Godmother" - she is that good) and now we have a lot to live up to. Lori sent Isabelle a precious book of children's prayers on the anniversary of Isabelle's baptism (just one of the many, many things). I got all choked up when I realized it had been one year since then and even more choked up when I thought about how lucky Isabelle is to have her as a Godmother!
Proud Godparents to sweet FrancesIsabelle was such a trooper. She came with us up to Greensboro and happily stayed in the church nursery while we attended the service. Then she sat through lunch at a very fancy restaurant well past her naptime...until she lost it! We finally pulled out the pacifier and got her through till the car ride home when she passed out.
Luckily she had a buddy, sweet Molly, who helped her color while waiting for lunch. Isabelle was mesmerized by this adorable young girl! We were too...this 7 year old child has perfect manners, even sat next to strangers and politely ordered her meal on her own. Mrs. Pope, are you for hire?Godsisters!Hmmm, not so sure she's ready to be a big sis anytime soon...And of course we don't go far without a cake...Another reason why this month has been so great is that little Izzie is just so full of fun. As my mom said today, "somebody has been taking some cute pills". It is so true. I know I say it over and over, but I just can't get over how cute she is. She is silly and happy and full of laughter.
Finally she is LOVING the bath. For a little while I was kinda worried that she wasn't a big fan of the water since bathtime was often a chore...she hated water on her head. We started swim lessons recently (she loves) which could be why things have changed, and now I am happy to say that we have a little fish who is starting to find the fun in being wet. Another reason for this new behavior could be that she has recently been taking some baths with her buddy, Betsy Grace, who has NO fear of water. In fact, she doesn't have fear of much!
We caught a few moments of the 2 cousins getting a taste of yummy bathwater.It was so darn cute, I couldn't help but encourage her!On top of loving water, Isabelle is also starting to talk!!! Yipee!! Well, she's been babbling for a while, but she is now really making an effort in mimicking words that I say. These words still don't sound much like the real thing, but she is really trying and it is about the cutest thing ever. I taught her to say "please" (nothing better than cake for bribery) and she now says it all the time. Sounds something like "Wheeezsh". Since dates are her favorite new treat she learned to say "dit". Still no "mama" (sigh), but of course she tries to say "cake".
Isabelle was my precious valentine. Valentine's Day was so sweet...I woke up to get a big run-up-with-open-arms hug first thing in the morning. What a way to start the day! Lately she has been so full of hugs...the kind when she rests her head on your shoulder and you just want to freeze time. She gives her Daddy a big hug before he leaves for work and again when he gets home. And on "love day" Isabelle finally gave me a kiss on my cheek when I asked her. Before she only kissed boo-boos, and would always turn her cheek to me when I asked her for a kiss (maybe she thought I was saying "give a kiss"?). It was as if she knew what Valentine's Day was all about.She loves to feed Crockett mulch. I guess she's learned that our dog will eat about anything.Isabelle recently had a date with her boyfriend, William. Too cute!Isabelle got some cool glasses at a birthday party and she loves to wear them. I told her to say "please" here for a sweet smile. A little late now, but this was a cake I made for Charlotte Weddings Magazine several months ago -- seems fitting for this month. I was asked to make a cake with a literal kiss theme. Oh, I went literal all right. I guess you could say I made out with a cake. This one was styrofoam inside, so I'm not sure I would recreate this design on an actual wedding cake!

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